Marc works very hard on his writing. He aims to create high quality books to be not only enjoyed but devoured by the reader.
Late into the night he writes with a drink at his side, usually a whiskey, gin, or beer. It helps fuel the creativity.
If you think he deserves one, you can buy him one here and help to encourage the creativity. Cheers!
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The Tiger's Rage:
The Stiger Chronicles Book 8

Brave champions. Swords and sorcery.
Breathtaking twists and turns…

In a world besieged by relentless foes, the empire stands on the brink of defeat, encircled in a grip of war. Amidst the chaos and danger rises Stiger, a hero burdened with a tarnished legacy yet destined for epic greatness. With the aid of allies, the gnomes, the elves, and the Vass, Stiger has shattered the tribal armies of the Barrens and saved the garrison at Nabernacum.

But his trials and tests have only just begun. Haunted by a past filled with loss and dark memories, Stiger faces his greatest challenge yet: the defeat of the malevolent wizard Amaranth. Amaranth’s insidious plan involves not only kidnapping Stiger’s allies, but claiming his dread sword, Rarokan, and seizing Stiger’s soul.

To confront this foe, Stiger must venture to a place to which he vowed never to return, Wackita, the volcano and a cursed land populated by gnomes and dark secrets. Accompanied by a fearsome dragon, a Knight of the Vass, elven rangers, a devotee to a dark god, and his dog, Stiger embarks on a perilous journey. What waits is a maelstrom of danger, revelation, and adventure, unlocking extraordinary powers Stiger could never imagine possible and beginning the fulfillment of a prophecy.

Lutha Nyx:
A Ranger’s Tale Part 3


A dangerous mission. A war of the gods. An epic destiny.

When elven rangers Eli’Far and Mae’Cara are dispatched to hunt down the dangerous criminal Mik’Las, the mission seems simple enough. Mik’Las has committed the unthinkable crimes of murder and kidnapping, and though he’s a former elven ranger and skilled in the deadly arts, Eli is confident they will bring him to justice. But after Mik’Las flees into the human kingdom of the Castol, Eli and Mae find their mission suddenly wrought with complications. They’re unexpectedly drawn into a conflict between the Castol and the empire that could escalate into a full-blown war, and a struggle between gods. Ultimately, this could be the opening stages of the dreaded Last War finally come to the shores of Istros.

Discovered by advance scouts of the Castol, Eli, Mae, and the imperial rangers they teamed up with have been the hunted. Led by Eli’s personal enemy, Kyber, they are chased and hounded relentlessly over many miles and almost run to ground.

Rapax Pax:
The Karus Saga Book 4
Marc Alan Edelheit MAE Novels Historically Accurate Fantasy at its Best


Best-selling, award-winning author of Stiger’s Tigers Marc Alan Edelheit delivers the fourth action-packed book in his fantasy epic The Karus Saga. One of history’s greatest mysteries, the disappearance of ancient Rome’s Ninth Imperial Legion, is now revealed in this untold story.

Having been transported to the world of Tannis, separated from everything they know, the Ninth find themselves caught amidst an ancient war of the gods. Like a dark tide, the Horde is slowly conquering one nation after another, and a great migration of peoples has begun fleeing westward before the enemy’s advancing armies. No one has been able to stand against the might of the Horde. But the Horde has never faced the power of a Roman legion.

Cast adrift in this strange, fantastical world, so unlike the one he knew, Karus has been given a number of tasks by his god Jupiter, known in this world as the High Father. Karus’ holy mission and mandate: retrieve a dread artifact and form an alliance with the peoples of this world so together they can withstand the might of the enemy and finally escape Tannis before it is too late. If he succeeds, the reward is everything Romulus and Remus were promised. If he fails, all will be lost and the Ninth destroyed.

Infinity Control:
Born of Ash Book 2

The highly anticipated sequel to the Born of Ash series is finally here.

The war is over. The First Galactic Empire has collapsed into ruin and ash. Or has it?

Keira, having been hunted and almost killed by the Unified Planetary Government’s regulators, for reasons she does not fully understand, finds herself rescued by Marines and stranded on the Imperial Starship Seringapatam.

Dispatched on a secret mission of the utmost importance, the Seri is a ship that has remained hidden since the last days of the war. More confusing, Keira has developed a strange power she cannot seem to control, let alone understand, the ability to interact with the machine in ways that are unexplainable.